

Sometimes, I feel
I sense
how Eden used to be,
before mankind crossed the fence
from true peace and harmony.
When the rain falls soft around me.
As the day fades into dusk.
I see the world as it should be,
alas, we succumbed to lust.
Yahweh said "it is good".
I say It's not so good today,
if I could, you know I would
cast all evil far away.
And I understand the greenies
in their quest to put it right,
but the answers not to plant trees.
Their roots arn't deep enough to fight,
the rebellion, selfishness, and pride
deep in mans own heart.
We need to kneel, know
why Jesus died
before God can even start.
His plan
is not to heal creation,
to repair , patch up our dearth.
He will resurect a righteous nation,
a new heaven a new earth.

Revelation 21 v 1



There was a white fisherman
whose desire
was to cast his hook
into the black sea.
Yet he feared that
the line he held would break
in the depths
leaving him at a loose end.
He thought about it...?
This wasn't his fear,
he stood safe on the shore.
His fear
was that the bait would draw the prey.
He feared the fight,
the struggle.
Being drawn into the deep
to be drowned and devoured.
He prayed about it and he saw,
there was only one right thing to do.
He imbedded the hook
through his own heart,
threw the reel into heaven
and stepped into the water.

1 John 4 v 18


The Cage

The cage it wrapped around me
on the day that I was born
and the door it didn't open
till the flesh of Christ was torn.
Glimpsing thru the bars,
I saw the person I should be,
then He freed me from my chains
on the cross of Calvary.
The door it stood wide open,
inviting me to run
from my life of bondage'
to the joy beneath the Son.
I took a step,
and faltered.
Then I looked back in,
the safety, the security,
the pleasures trapped within.
Then I looked, but deeper, at the prison who was me,
cried, and died, and took a stride,
into eternity.

Acts 16 v 26



Open my eyes that I may see.
Open my ears that I may hear.
Open my mouth that I may speak.
The Glory that the world must seek.

Mark 16 v 15


Testimony A-Z

I desired to drink from the dam of dreams,
to find my fate and free my feelings.
To sing a song, and stitch the seams
of heart that hungered for heavens healing.
Reason it reeled in rhythms running,
wanting to write , put wings to words.
In madness of mind and meanings meandering,
I pursued pain, praying to purge,
the void of vanity, the views of Vance.
Anarchy answered in attitude attired,
was taken towards a total trance.
Insanity insisted that I was inspired.
Opened and ordered by occultic oppressor,
locked up lame in lone lament.
I was exploiting extremes, an expletive expressor.
Grasped by guilt the gripping giant...
The creatures cry carried to The Creator.
Zeroing in on my zone He zoomed me to Zion,
in quietism He quickened my question quota.
Now I'm not nauseous, my nature's like neon.
Being born again my brains got better,
the joy in Jesus of joining the just.
In Easter eternity so easily entered,
a kingdom of kinship when the Keeper is kissed.
Yielded, not yoked to yesterdays yearning,
useful in the universe, the ultimate union.

1 Chronicles 4 v 10



Look at my private parts
I uncover
a soul
my pen is
revealing my nakedness
Unashamed I'll not hide
I am walking with God
in the garden of Gethsemane

Genesis 2 v 25