

 My thoughts are confricting

Matters rubbing mind

Heating as they're beating

On the anvil of my kind

About the concepts of creation

Between a women and a man

Where I stand in the relation

Of what I aren't and who I am

Conflict and dissension

Happening in my head

Conscience scrapping consciousness 

Schrodingers cats not dead?



 The poet William Stafford said that

 he wrote a poem every morning

about the first word that came into his head

This is what a poet do's 

(for the grammar police, dos - operating system software)

So lower your standards and

don't wait for The Muse

So I 

being an aspiring poetic guy

resolved to give his method a try

So here's a poem for me and you

It's title is I Need a Poo

I hope that that it's about going to the toilet

Doesn't offend you and doesn't spoil it

And now that I am able to sit at my table

A body intentive about being inventive

and choosing to write at the end of the night

I think

isn't that what creativities about

It's how I get my insides out

And now I've done it my only sorrow

Is the worry I'll write the same poem tomorrow

How low can my standards go?



 Every religion has its fundamentalists and mystics.

 Every culture its members and misfits.

 Every organisation it's laws and freedoms.

 Every system its believers and cynics.

 Every game it's rules and aim.

 Every thought its pros and cons.

 Every life it's joys and strife.

 Every universe it's centre which is right where you are standing. 


 You can't have nonduality without duality that's reality

 a marriage is a husband and a wife together making life

 the two being one makes a daughter or a son 

as creating goes on and on and on(e) 

 What went wrong was sisters and brothers

 saw others and not love is.


 What went bang when the big bang banged

what imploded when the universe exploded.
Was it the line between matter and divine?
Is the holy grail the tearing of the veil,
apocalyptically unhiding the great dividing,
happening all the time in a way that is sublime,
even in myself, creating holy wholesome health,
in what goes round coming round
like fruit hitting the ground?
"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives." Jesus


  "Prologue- constitutes "words" spoken to introduce a poem or novel." Been thinking about logs or could say I've been logging about thinking. Log meaning study of, as in, biology - life, ecology - home, mythology - story, logos - word. Log - a part of a branch from a tree. A tree in The Garden of which eating from formed me as I am? I am conscious of this and perhaps this is consciousness? I think therefore I am? "In the beginning was the Word." Meanwhile another logging truck passes my house carrying the seedlings I grew years ago at Puha Nursery. Log out of poem.

Man I Am Why am I Here

Man I Am Why am I Here in
this city desert we created
when we mated and
mated and mated as our
brains grew and we slew
creation to make this high?
nation? I go along with the
wrong throng sigh and cry
sick and thick while trying
to sing of the joy of being
by writing a poem as I
roam, moan and groan. All
I want is to be back home
walking and talking with
God on Eden's sod, but
there's no way back to
retract this lack so l look
forward to a new shore
that I can't afford, looking
to cross where trees and
concrete together please,
in a new place in the old
place of disgrace yet I
see... that this heaven I
desire is already in me as I
shout I want out! I'm
thinking that I just have to
stop crying, and be dying
to the lying that the lizard
told me about the tree.
And I, You, We, He and She
shall be continuing to be
One. Won!,job done,Son!
May these words become flesh.